Whether you are looking at a communications challenge, a newmarketing initiative or are investigating alternative technology solutions, our diverse business and technology experience will save you time and money.

We thrive on challenges and have developed successful methodologies to create and implement strategic action plans. The planning process is an iterative one and is usually comprised of a very small core group. Here is an example of how we work:

We are brought in initially on a consultative basis to look at a communications, marketing or technology challenge.

Step One: Needs Assessment. This process involves a technology, communications and resource audit. The audit includes: interviews with all of the stakeholders, doing specific background research both internally and externally, inventorying assets in place and performing an overall situational analysis.

Step Two: Technology and Communications Plan. Once the needs assessment is complete and has been presented and discussed we then move on to create a Communications and Technology Plan. What is to be delivered, in which media formats, over which platforms and to which stakeholders.

Step Three: The Strategic Plan. What exactly needs to be done? What is the timeline? By whom? How much is to be done internally? How much is to be outsourced? Are there strategic alliances that can improve the viability and visibility of the project? Is there funding available? How can maximum benefit be realized?

Step Four: Project Management. Once the project has been given the go ahead nuMedia can provide complete Project Management services to bring the project in on time and on budget.

Step Five: Implementation: Launch and Roll-Out. One very important aspect of any project launch is getting the word out. Here we can work with you, your advertising agency or media relations people to ‘get the word out.’ We have a number of innovative technologies and approaches that are affordable and effective.

Step Six: Measurement & Analysis: What are the indicators for success? What are the desired outcomes? Have they been achieved? The team will put together a measurement and analysis plan to determine the overall effectiveness of the initiative.